Unassisted Childbirth FAQnA
Unassisted Childbirth Definition
Unassisted Childbirth Definition

"Unassisted Childbirth" means that doctors or midwives do not attend the birth process, unless they happen to be a relative or friend that is not attending in their official capacity or attempting to influence the birth process. 
Anyone that is present during the birth process does not hinder, impede, or interfere with the birth process in any way unless specifically requested to do so by the birthing mother. Even then, there are limits to consider when attempting to define unassisted childbirth, since the term iteslf implies that unassisted childbirths are unassisted by definition.
Potentially dangerous practices which include such things as AROM, herbal inductions for no good reason, measuring cervical dilation for the purposes of predicting when labor will start or how quickly the baby will arrive, etc, do not fall into this definition for the purpose of this website and we do not support or promote such practices in general.



Please be aware that the information available on this website is not to be misconstrued as medical information. While we do encourage people to review the information here for themselves and make a decison that feels best to them for their babies and themselves, we who take part in the contributions to this website do not take responsibility for any decision, or consequences that may result from the decisions, made by those who visit and read this site.

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